Day 4: Boat tour of Venice

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Day 4: Boat tour of Venice

Where we travel on street trams here in Mannheim, in Venice you mostly travel by boat. For a small amount of money, one can purchase a ticket to travel on a small passenger ferry through the "streets" of Venice. It's a really great way to see Venice. Its not a Gondola I know, but those are really expensive and not really attractive to 4 guys! Anyways, enjoy the pics.

Pics from the boat tour of Venice

On the Grand Canal.

Beautiful architecture.

A look across to the other side of Venice.

This building has a distinct Roman look.

Across the Grand Canal.

The waterways are filled with boats!

Another look across.

Speedboats are everywhere, they are like taxis.

Déjà Vu?

Close to where we started our walking tour.

Restaurant on the water.

The building are just magnificant.

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